The process of ABPNS certification has changed with the further integration of the ABPNS and ABNS. Currently, pediatric neurosurgeons who meet criteria for certification or re-certification will receive a subspecialty credential in Pediatric Neurosurgery. These changes will apply to all North American applicants, but will affect applicants differently depending on the status and timing of their ABNS or RCPS(C) certification. The basic components include:
ABPNS Certification for those on the ABNS track who have just completed their fellowship:
ABPNS certification for those on the RCPSC track:
Applicants certified by the Royal College who have completed an ACPNF-accredited fellowship are eligible for ABPNS-RCPSC dual subspecialty credential. There are three steps to this process:
ABPNS examination application for the subsequent joint pathway
ABPNS spreadsheet for case data with outcome fields
ABPNS certification for those seeking ABPNS certification via the Subsequent Joint Pathway :
This application is for those who have completed an ACPNF-accredited pediatric neurosurgery fellowship – AND –received ABNS certification without the ABNS pediatric focused oral examination. The entire subsequent joint certification process must be completed within 10 years of completion of the approved pediatric neurosurgery fellowship. Failing to complete the process within that time frame will require the candidate to seek joint certification via the “alternate pathway” criteria.
ABNS Caselog Requirements (Submitted to the ABNS through POST):
ABPNS Caselog Requirements (Submitted directly to the ABPNS):
Applicants seeking the dual ABNS/ABPNS RFP credential are required to enter 95 major cases aged 21 or under (in an 18-month period) into ABNS POST, then sit for the pediatric focused oral ABNS exam. ABNS POST will continually track the number of pediatric cases the applicant enters into the system and will not allow him/her to submit the cases if a minimum number of 95 is not reached. This is a fail-safe mechanism to prevent the applicant from submitting the case log before it is complete. Once the ABNS POST case log has been submitted, no further changes can be made.
If the applicant knows ahead of time (or discovers during ABNS POST case entry) that he/she does not yet have the required 95 pediatric cases he/she should contact either the ABNS or ABPNS administrators so that they can remove the submission requirement. At that point, the applicant should enter or resume entering the 125 consecutive cases required for initial certification, then take the ABNS pediatric focused oral exam. If, in the following 5 years, the applicant’s practice reaches a pediatric case number that satisfies the RFP requirements (and he/she has already taken the pediatric focused ABNS oral exam), he/she may send a new qualifying case log directly to the ABPNS to receive the RFP (case log requirements listed below).
Note: If the applicant applied for a delayed RFP in this manner, but has previously taken the “general” instead of the “pediatric-focused” oral ABNS exam, he/she will be asked to sit for the ABPNS-administered oral exam as detailed under the “Subsequent Joint Pathway”.
ABPNS examination application for the subsequent joint pathway
The recommended study material for the ABPNS written exam is below (not intended to be exhaustive):
Alan Cohen's Tricks of the Trade
Albright's Principles and Practice of Pediatric Neurosurgery
ABPNS certification for those seeking ABPNS certification via the Alternate Pathway (for those who have not completed a post-residency ACPNF-accredited fellowship):
For applicants who have not completed a post-residency ACPNF-accredited fellowship, the ABPNS Board of Directors may, at its own discretion, offer a credential recognizing a pediatric neurosurgery practice to neurological surgeons who have been in practice for at least ten years following the completion of their residency. The link below provides the application and list of required supporting documents. This category requires submission of a surgical case log for each of the 5 years immediately prior to application, as follows:
ABPNS examination application for the alternate pathway
For submission of year 5 (most current year) :
ABPNS surgical case log with outcome fields
For submission of years 1-4 :
ABPNS surgical case log without outcome fields
After Submission of an Application:
List of Examinations